//$Id: PersistentClass.java 10926 2006-12-05 18:48:42Z [email protected] $
package org.hibernate.mapping;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Set;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.EntityMode;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.Mapping;
import org.hibernate.engine.ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle;
import org.hibernate.sql.Alias;
import org.hibernate.util.EmptyIterator;
import org.hibernate.util.JoinedIterator;
import org.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper;
import org.hibernate.util.SingletonIterator;
import org.hibernate.util.StringHelper;
* Mapping for an entity.
* @author Gavin King
public abstract class PersistentClass implements Serializable, Filterable, MetaAttributable {
private static final Alias PK_ALIAS = new Alias(15, "PK");
public static final String NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MAPPING = "null";
public static final String NOT_NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MAPPING = "not null";
private String entityName;
private String className;
private String proxyInterfaceName;
private String nodeName;
private String discriminatorValue;
private boolean lazy;
private ArrayList properties = new ArrayList();
private final ArrayList subclasses = new ArrayList();
private final ArrayList subclassProperties = new ArrayList();
private final ArrayList subclassTables = new ArrayList();
private boolean dynamicInsert;
private boolean dynamicUpdate;
private int batchSize=-1;
private boolean selectBeforeUpdate;
private java.util.Map metaAttributes;
private ArrayList joins = new ArrayList();
private final ArrayList subclassJoins = new ArrayList();
private final java.util.Map filters = new HashMap();
protected final java.util.Set synchronizedTables = new HashSet();
private String loaderName;
private Boolean isAbstract;
private boolean hasSubselectLoadableCollections;
private Component identifierMapper;
// Custom SQL
private String customSQLInsert;
private boolean customInsertCallable;
private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle insertCheckStyle;
private String customSQLUpdate;
private boolean customUpdateCallable;
private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle updateCheckStyle;
private String customSQLDelete;
private boolean customDeleteCallable;
private ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle deleteCheckStyle;
private String temporaryIdTableName;
private String temporaryIdTableDDL;
private java.util.Map tuplizerImpls;
protected int optimisticLockMode;
public String getClassName() {
return className;
public void setClassName(String className) {
this.className = className==null ? null : className.intern();
public String getProxyInterfaceName() {
return proxyInterfaceName;
public void setProxyInterfaceName(String proxyInterfaceName) {
this.proxyInterfaceName = proxyInterfaceName;
public Class getMappedClass() throws MappingException {
if (className==null) return null;
try {
return ReflectHelper.classForName(className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new MappingException("entity class not found: " + className, cnfe);
public Class getProxyInterface() {
if (proxyInterfaceName==null) return null;
try {
return ReflectHelper.classForName(proxyInterfaceName);
catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new MappingException("proxy class not found: " + proxyInterfaceName, cnfe);
public boolean useDynamicInsert() {
return dynamicInsert;
abstract int nextSubclassId();
public abstract int getSubclassId();
public boolean useDynamicUpdate() {
return dynamicUpdate;
public void setDynamicInsert(boolean dynamicInsert) {
this.dynamicInsert = dynamicInsert;
public void setDynamicUpdate(boolean dynamicUpdate) {
this.dynamicUpdate = dynamicUpdate;
public String getDiscriminatorValue() {
return discriminatorValue;
public void addSubclass(Subclass subclass) throws MappingException {
// inheritance cycle detection (paranoid check)
PersistentClass superclass = getSuperclass();
while (superclass!=null) {
if( subclass.getEntityName().equals( superclass.getEntityName() ) ) {
throw new MappingException(
"Circular inheritance mapping detected: " +
subclass.getEntityName() +
" will have it self as superclass when extending " +
superclass = superclass.getSuperclass();
public boolean hasSubclasses() {
return subclasses.size() > 0;
public int getSubclassSpan() {
int n = subclasses.size();
Iterator iter = subclasses.iterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
n += ( (Subclass) iter.next() ).getSubclassSpan();
return n;
* Iterate over subclasses in a special 'order', most derived subclasses
* first.
public Iterator getSubclassIterator() {
Iterator[] iters = new Iterator[ subclasses.size() + 1 ];
Iterator iter = subclasses.iterator();
int i=0;
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
iters[i++] = ( (Subclass) iter.next() ).getSubclassIterator();
iters[i] = subclasses.iterator();
return new JoinedIterator(iters);
public Iterator getSubclassClosureIterator() {
ArrayList iters = new ArrayList();
iters.add( new SingletonIterator(this) );
Iterator iter = getSubclassIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
PersistentClass clazz = (PersistentClass) iter.next();
iters.add( clazz.getSubclassClosureIterator() );
return new JoinedIterator(iters);
public Table getIdentityTable() {
return getRootTable();
public Iterator getDirectSubclasses() {
return subclasses.iterator();
public void addProperty(Property p) {
public abstract Table getTable();
public String getEntityName() {
return entityName;
public abstract boolean isMutable();
public abstract boolean hasIdentifierProperty();
public abstract Property getIdentifierProperty();
public abstract KeyValue getIdentifier();
public abstract Property getVersion();
public abstract Value getDiscriminator();
public abstract boolean isInherited();
public abstract boolean isPolymorphic();
public abstract boolean isVersioned();
public abstract String getCacheConcurrencyStrategy();
public abstract PersistentClass getSuperclass();
public abstract boolean isExplicitPolymorphism();
public abstract boolean isDiscriminatorInsertable();
public abstract Iterator getPropertyClosureIterator();
public abstract Iterator getTableClosureIterator();
public abstract Iterator getKeyClosureIterator();
protected void addSubclassProperty(Property prop) {
protected void addSubclassJoin(Join join) {
protected void addSubclassTable(Table subclassTable) {
public Iterator getSubclassPropertyClosureIterator() {
ArrayList iters = new ArrayList();
iters.add( getPropertyClosureIterator() );
iters.add( subclassProperties.iterator() );
for ( int i=0; i<subclassJoins.size(); i++ ) {
Join join = (Join) subclassJoins.get(i);
iters.add( join.getPropertyIterator() );
return new JoinedIterator(iters);
public Iterator getSubclassJoinClosureIterator() {
return new JoinedIterator( getJoinClosureIterator(), subclassJoins.iterator() );
public Iterator getSubclassTableClosureIterator() {
return new JoinedIterator( getTableClosureIterator(), subclassTables.iterator() );
public boolean isClassOrSuperclassJoin(Join join) {
return joins.contains(join);
public boolean isClassOrSuperclassTable(Table closureTable) {
return getTable()==closureTable;
public boolean isLazy() {
return lazy;
public void setLazy(boolean lazy) {
this.lazy = lazy;
public abstract boolean hasEmbeddedIdentifier();
public abstract Class getEntityPersisterClass();
public abstract void setEntityPersisterClass(Class classPersisterClass);
public abstract Table getRootTable();
public abstract RootClass getRootClass();
public abstract KeyValue getKey();
public void setDiscriminatorValue(String discriminatorValue) {
this.discriminatorValue = discriminatorValue;
public void setEntityName(String entityName) {
this.entityName = entityName==null ? null : entityName.intern();
public void createPrimaryKey() {
//Primary key constraint
PrimaryKey pk = new PrimaryKey();
Table table = getTable();
pk.setName( PK_ALIAS.toAliasString( table.getName() ) );
pk.addColumns( getKey().getColumnIterator() );
public abstract String getWhere();
public int getBatchSize() {
return batchSize;
public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) {
this.batchSize = batchSize;
public boolean hasSelectBeforeUpdate() {
return selectBeforeUpdate;
public void setSelectBeforeUpdate(boolean selectBeforeUpdate) {
this.selectBeforeUpdate = selectBeforeUpdate;
* Build an iterator of properties which are "referenceable".
* @see #getReferencedProperty for a discussion of "referenceable"
* @return The property iterator.
public Iterator getReferenceablePropertyIterator() {
return getPropertyClosureIterator();
* Given a property path, locate the appropriate referenceable property reference.
* <p/>
* A referenceable property is a property which can be a target of a foreign-key
* mapping (an identifier or explcitly named in a property-ref).
* @param propertyPath The property path to resolve into a property reference.
* @return The property reference (never null).
* @throws MappingException If the property could not be found.
public Property getReferencedProperty(String propertyPath) throws MappingException {
try {
return getRecursiveProperty( propertyPath, getReferenceablePropertyIterator() );
catch ( MappingException e ) {
throw new MappingException(
"property-ref [" + propertyPath + "] not found on entity [" + getEntityName() + "]", e
public Property getRecursiveProperty(String propertyPath) throws MappingException {
try {
return getRecursiveProperty( propertyPath, getPropertyIterator() );
catch ( MappingException e ) {
throw new MappingException(
"property [" + propertyPath + "] not found on entity [" + getEntityName() + "]", e
private Property getRecursiveProperty(String propertyPath, Iterator iter) throws MappingException {
Property property = null;
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( propertyPath, ".", false );
try {
while ( st.hasMoreElements() ) {
final String element = ( String ) st.nextElement();
if ( property == null ) {
// we are processing the root of the prpertyPath, so we have the following
// considerations:
// 1) specifically account for identifier properties
// 2) specifically account for embedded composite-identifiers
// 3) perform a normal property lookup
Property identifierProperty = getIdentifierProperty();
if ( identifierProperty != null && identifierProperty.getName().equals( element ) ) {
// we have a mapped identifier property and the root of
// the incoming property path matched that identifier
// property
property = identifierProperty;
else if ( identifierProperty == null && getIdentifier() != null && Component.class.isInstance( getIdentifier() ) ) {
// we have an embedded composite identifier
try {
identifierProperty = getProperty( element, ( ( Component ) getIdentifier() ).getPropertyIterator() );
if ( identifierProperty != null ) {
// the root of the incoming property path matched one
// of the embedded composite identifier properties
property = identifierProperty;
catch( MappingException ignore ) {
// ignore it...
if ( property == null ) {
property = getProperty( element, iter );
else {
//flat recursive algorithm
property = ( ( Component ) property.getValue() ).getProperty( element );
catch ( MappingException e ) {
throw new MappingException( "property [" + propertyPath + "] not found on entity [" + getEntityName() + "]" );
return property;
private Property getProperty(String propertyName, Iterator iterator) throws MappingException {
while ( iterator.hasNext() ) {
Property prop = (Property) iterator.next();
if ( prop.getName().equals( StringHelper.root(propertyName) ) ) {
return prop;
throw new MappingException( "property [" + propertyName + "] not found on entity [" + getEntityName() + "]" );
public Property getProperty(String propertyName) throws MappingException {
Iterator iter = getPropertyClosureIterator();
Property identifierProperty = getIdentifierProperty();
if ( identifierProperty != null
&& identifierProperty.getName().equals( StringHelper.root(propertyName) )
) {
return identifierProperty;
else {
return getProperty( propertyName, iter );
abstract public int getOptimisticLockMode();
public void setOptimisticLockMode(int optimisticLockMode) {
this.optimisticLockMode = optimisticLockMode;
public void validate(Mapping mapping) throws MappingException {
Iterator iter = getPropertyIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Property prop = (Property) iter.next();
if ( !prop.isValid(mapping) ) {
throw new MappingException(
"property mapping has wrong number of columns: " +
StringHelper.qualify( getEntityName(), prop.getName() ) +
" type: " +
private void checkPropertyDuplication() throws MappingException {
HashSet names = new HashSet();
Iterator iter = getPropertyIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Property prop = (Property) iter.next();
if ( !names.add( prop.getName() ) ) {
throw new MappingException( "Duplicate property mapping of " + prop.getName() + " found in " + getEntityName());
public boolean isDiscriminatorValueNotNull() {
return NOT_NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MAPPING.equals( getDiscriminatorValue() );
public boolean isDiscriminatorValueNull() {
return NULL_DISCRIMINATOR_MAPPING.equals( getDiscriminatorValue() );
public java.util.Map getMetaAttributes() {
return metaAttributes;
public void setMetaAttributes(java.util.Map metas) {
this.metaAttributes = metas;
public MetaAttribute getMetaAttribute(String name) {
return metaAttributes==null?null:(MetaAttribute) metaAttributes.get(name);
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + '(' + getEntityName() + ')';
public Iterator getJoinIterator() {
return joins.iterator();
public Iterator getJoinClosureIterator() {
return joins.iterator();
public void addJoin(Join join) {
public int getJoinClosureSpan() {
return joins.size();
public int getPropertyClosureSpan() {
int span = properties.size();
for ( int i=0; i<joins.size(); i++ ) {
Join join = (Join) joins.get(i);
span += join.getPropertySpan();
return span;
public int getJoinNumber(Property prop) {
int result=1;
Iterator iter = getSubclassJoinClosureIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Join join = (Join) iter.next();
if ( join.containsProperty(prop) ) return result;
return 0;
* Build an iterator over the properties defined on this class. The returned
* iterator only accounts for "normal" properties (i.e. non-identifier
* properties).
* <p/>
* Differs from {@link #getUnjoinedPropertyIterator} in that the iterator
* we return here will include properties defined as part of a join.
* @return An iterator over the "normal" properties.
public Iterator getPropertyIterator() {
ArrayList iterators = new ArrayList();
iterators.add( properties.iterator() );
for ( int i = 0; i < joins.size(); i++ ) {
Join join = ( Join ) joins.get( i );
iterators.add( join.getPropertyIterator() );
return new JoinedIterator( iterators );
* Build an iterator over the properties defined on this class <b>which
* are not defined as part of a join</b>. As with {@link #getPropertyIterator},
* the returned iterator only accounts for non-identifier properties.
* @return An iterator over the non-joined "normal" properties.
public Iterator getUnjoinedPropertyIterator() {
return properties.iterator();
public void setCustomSQLInsert(String customSQLInsert, boolean callable, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) {
this.customSQLInsert = customSQLInsert;
this.customInsertCallable = callable;
this.insertCheckStyle = checkStyle;
public String getCustomSQLInsert() {
return customSQLInsert;
public boolean isCustomInsertCallable() {
return customInsertCallable;
public ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getCustomSQLInsertCheckStyle() {
return insertCheckStyle;
public void setCustomSQLUpdate(String customSQLUpdate, boolean callable, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) {
this.customSQLUpdate = customSQLUpdate;
this.customUpdateCallable = callable;
this.updateCheckStyle = checkStyle;
public String getCustomSQLUpdate() {
return customSQLUpdate;
public boolean isCustomUpdateCallable() {
return customUpdateCallable;
public ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getCustomSQLUpdateCheckStyle() {
return updateCheckStyle;
public void setCustomSQLDelete(String customSQLDelete, boolean callable, ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle checkStyle) {
this.customSQLDelete = customSQLDelete;
this.customDeleteCallable = callable;
this.deleteCheckStyle = checkStyle;
public String getCustomSQLDelete() {
return customSQLDelete;
public boolean isCustomDeleteCallable() {
return customDeleteCallable;
public ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle getCustomSQLDeleteCheckStyle() {
return deleteCheckStyle;
public void addFilter(String name, String condition) {
filters.put(name, condition);
public java.util.Map getFilterMap() {
return filters;
public boolean isForceDiscriminator() {
return false;
public abstract boolean isJoinedSubclass();
public String getLoaderName() {
return loaderName;
public void setLoaderName(String loaderName) {
this.loaderName = loaderName==null ? null : loaderName.intern();
public abstract java.util.Set getSynchronizedTables();
public void addSynchronizedTable(String table) {
public Boolean isAbstract() {
return isAbstract;
public void setAbstract(Boolean isAbstract) {
this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
protected void checkColumnDuplication(Set distinctColumns, Iterator columns)
throws MappingException {
while ( columns.hasNext() ) {
Selectable columnOrFormula = (Selectable) columns.next();
if ( !columnOrFormula.isFormula() ) {
Column col = (Column) columnOrFormula;
if ( !distinctColumns.add( col.getName() ) ) {
throw new MappingException(
"Repeated column in mapping for entity: " +
getEntityName() +
" column: " +
col.getName() +
" (should be mapped with insert=\"false\" update=\"false\")"
protected void checkPropertyColumnDuplication(Set distinctColumns, Iterator properties)
throws MappingException {
while ( properties.hasNext() ) {
Property prop = (Property) properties.next();
if ( prop.getValue() instanceof Component ) { //TODO: remove use of instanceof!
Component component = (Component) prop.getValue();
checkPropertyColumnDuplication( distinctColumns, component.getPropertyIterator() );
else {
if ( prop.isUpdateable() || prop.isInsertable() ) {
checkColumnDuplication( distinctColumns, prop.getColumnIterator() );
protected Iterator getNonDuplicatedPropertyIterator() {
return getUnjoinedPropertyIterator();
protected Iterator getDiscriminatorColumnIterator() {
return EmptyIterator.INSTANCE;
protected void checkColumnDuplication() {
HashSet cols = new HashSet();
if (getIdentifierMapper() == null ) {
//an identifier mapper => getKey will be included in the getNonDuplicatedPropertyIterator()
//and checked later, so it needs to be excluded
checkColumnDuplication( cols, getKey().getColumnIterator() );
checkColumnDuplication( cols, getDiscriminatorColumnIterator() );
checkPropertyColumnDuplication( cols, getNonDuplicatedPropertyIterator() );
Iterator iter = getJoinIterator();
while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
Join join = (Join) iter.next();
checkColumnDuplication( cols, join.getKey().getColumnIterator() );
checkPropertyColumnDuplication( cols, join.getPropertyIterator() );
public abstract Object accept(PersistentClassVisitor mv);
public String getNodeName() {
return nodeName;
public void setNodeName(String nodeName) {
this.nodeName = nodeName;
public boolean hasPojoRepresentation() {
return getClassName()!=null;
public boolean hasDom4jRepresentation() {
return getNodeName()!=null;
public boolean hasSubselectLoadableCollections() {
return hasSubselectLoadableCollections;
public void setSubselectLoadableCollections(boolean hasSubselectCollections) {
this.hasSubselectLoadableCollections = hasSubselectCollections;
public void prepareTemporaryTables(Mapping mapping, Dialect dialect) {
if ( dialect.supportsTemporaryTables() ) {
temporaryIdTableName = dialect.generateTemporaryTableName( getTable().getName() );
Table table = new Table();
table.setName( temporaryIdTableName );
Iterator itr = getTable().getPrimaryKey().getColumnIterator();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
Column column = (Column) itr.next();
table.addColumn( (Column) column.clone() );
temporaryIdTableDDL = table.sqlTemporaryTableCreateString( dialect, mapping );
public String getTemporaryIdTableName() {
return temporaryIdTableName;
public String getTemporaryIdTableDDL() {
return temporaryIdTableDDL;
public Component getIdentifierMapper() {
return identifierMapper;
public boolean hasIdentifierMapper() {
return identifierMapper != null;
public void setIdentifierMapper(Component handle) {
this.identifierMapper = handle;
public void addTuplizer(EntityMode entityMode, String implClassName) {
if ( tuplizerImpls == null ) {
tuplizerImpls = new HashMap();
tuplizerImpls.put( entityMode, implClassName );
public String getTuplizerImplClassName(EntityMode mode) {
if ( tuplizerImpls == null ) return null;
return ( String ) tuplizerImpls.get( mode );
public java.util.Map getTuplizerMap() {
if ( tuplizerImpls == null ) {
return null;
return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap( tuplizerImpls );
public boolean hasNaturalId() {
Iterator props = getRootClass().getPropertyIterator();
while ( props.hasNext() ) {
if ( ( (Property) props.next() ).isNaturalIdentifier() ) {
return true;
return false;
public abstract boolean isLazyPropertiesCacheable();