package bsh;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
This class is an implementation of the ClassGenerator interface which
contains generally bsh related code. The actual bytecode generation is
done by ClassGeneratorUtil.
@author Pat Niemeyer ([email protected])
public class ClassGeneratorImpl extends ClassGenerator
public Class generateClass(
String name, Modifiers modifiers,
Class [] interfaces, Class superClass, BSHBlock block,
boolean isInterface, CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter
throws EvalError
// Delegate to the static method
return generateClassImpl( name, modifiers, interfaces, superClass,
block, isInterface, callstack, interpreter );
public Object invokeSuperclassMethod(
BshClassManager bcm, Object instance, String methodName, Object [] args
throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError, InvocationTargetException
// Delegate to the static method
return invokeSuperclassMethodImpl( bcm, instance, methodName, args );
Change the parent of the class instance namespace.
This is currently used for inner class support.
Note: This method will likely be removed in the future.
// This could be static
public void setInstanceNameSpaceParent(
Object instance, String className, NameSpace parent )
This ithis =
ClassGeneratorUtil.getClassInstanceThis( instance, className );
ithis.getNameSpace().setParent( parent );
If necessary, parse the BSHBlock for for the class definition and
generate the class using ClassGeneratorUtil.
This method also initializes the static block namespace and sets it
in the class.
public static Class generateClassImpl(
String name, Modifiers modifiers,
Class [] interfaces, Class superClass, BSHBlock block,
boolean isInterface, CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter
throws EvalError
// Scripting classes currently requires accessibility
// This can be eliminated with a bit more work.
try {
Capabilities.setAccessibility( true );
} catch ( Capabilities.Unavailable e )
throw new EvalError(
"Defining classes currently requires reflective Accessibility.",
block, callstack );
NameSpace enclosingNameSpace =;
String packageName = enclosingNameSpace.getPackage();
String className = enclosingNameSpace.isClass ?
( enclosingNameSpace.getName()+"$"+name ) : name;
String fqClassName =
packageName == null ? className : packageName + "." + className;
String bshStaticFieldName = ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHSTATIC+className;
BshClassManager bcm = interpreter.getClassManager();
// Race condition here...
bcm.definingClass( fqClassName );
// Create the class static namespace
NameSpace classStaticNameSpace =
new NameSpace( enclosingNameSpace, className);
classStaticNameSpace.isClass = true;
callstack.push( classStaticNameSpace );
// Evaluate any inner class class definitions in the block
// effectively recursively call this method for contained classes first
callstack, interpreter, true/*override*/,
ClassNodeFilter.CLASSCLASSES );
// Generate the type for our class
Variable [] variables =
getDeclaredVariables( block, callstack, interpreter, packageName );
DelayedEvalBshMethod [] methods =
getDeclaredMethods( block, callstack, interpreter, packageName );
// Create the class generator, which encapsulates all knowledge of the
// structure of the class
ClassGeneratorUtil classGenerator = new ClassGeneratorUtil(
modifiers, className, packageName, superClass, interfaces,
variables, methods, isInterface );
// Check for existing class (saved class file)
Class clas = bcm.getAssociatedClass( fqClassName );
// If the class isn't there then generate it.
// Else just let it be initialized below.
if ( clas == null )
// generate bytecode, optionally with static init hooks to
// bootstrap the interpreter
byte [] code = classGenerator.generateClass(
Interpreter.getSaveClasses()/*init code*/ );
if ( Interpreter.getSaveClasses() )
saveClasses( className, code );
clas = bcm.defineClass( fqClassName, code );
// If we're just saving clases then don't actually execute the static
// code for the class here.
if ( !Interpreter.getSaveClasses() )
// Let the class generator install hooks relating to the structure of
// the class into the class static namespace. e.g. the constructor
// array. This is necessary whether we are generating code or just
// reinitializing a previously generated class.
classStaticNameSpace, block/*instance initializer*/ );
// import the unqualified class name into parent namespace
enclosingNameSpace.importClass( fqClassName.replace('$','.') );
// Give the static space its class static import
// important to do this after all classes are defined
classStaticNameSpace.setClassStatic( clas );
// evaluate the static portion of the block in the static space
callstack, interpreter, true/*override*/,
ClassNodeFilter.CLASSSTATIC );
if ( !clas.isInterface() )
installStaticBlock( clas, bshStaticFieldName,
classStaticNameSpace, interpreter );
bcm.doneDefiningClass( fqClassName );
return clas;
private static void installStaticBlock(
Class genClass, String bshStaticFieldName,
NameSpace classStaticNameSpace, Interpreter interpreter )
// Set the static bsh This callback
try {
LHS lhs = Reflect.getLHSStaticField( genClass, bshStaticFieldName );
classStaticNameSpace.getThis( interpreter ), false/*strict*/ );
} catch ( Exception e ) {
throw new InterpreterError("Error in class gen setup: "+e );
private static void saveClasses( String className, byte[] code )
String dir = Interpreter.getSaveClassesDir();
if ( dir != null )
try {
FileOutputStream out=
new FileOutputStream( dir+"/"+className+".class" );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
static Variable [] getDeclaredVariables(
BSHBlock body, CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter,
String defaultPackage
List vars = new ArrayList();
for( int child=0; child<body.jjtGetNumChildren(); child++ )
SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode)body.jjtGetChild(child);
if ( node instanceof BSHTypedVariableDeclaration )
BSHTypedVariableDeclaration tvd =
Modifiers modifiers = tvd.modifiers;
String type = tvd.getTypeDescriptor(
callstack, interpreter, defaultPackage );
BSHVariableDeclarator [] vardec = tvd.getDeclarators();
for( int i = 0; i< vardec.length; i++)
String name = vardec[i].name;
try {
Variable var = new Variable(
name, type, null/*value*/, modifiers );
vars.add( var );
} catch ( UtilEvalError e ) {
// value error shouldn't happen
return (Variable [])vars.toArray( new Variable[0] );
static DelayedEvalBshMethod [] getDeclaredMethods(
BSHBlock body, CallStack callstack, Interpreter interpreter,
String defaultPackage
List methods = new ArrayList();
for( int child=0; child<body.jjtGetNumChildren(); child++ )
SimpleNode node = (SimpleNode)body.jjtGetChild(child);
if ( node instanceof BSHMethodDeclaration )
BSHMethodDeclaration md = (BSHMethodDeclaration)node;
Modifiers modifiers = md.modifiers;
String name =;
String returnType = md.getReturnTypeDescriptor(
callstack, interpreter, defaultPackage );
BSHReturnType returnTypeNode = md.getReturnTypeNode();
BSHFormalParameters paramTypesNode = md.paramsNode;
String [] paramTypes = paramTypesNode.getTypeDescriptors(
callstack, interpreter, defaultPackage );
DelayedEvalBshMethod bm = new DelayedEvalBshMethod(
returnType, returnTypeNode,
paramTypes, paramTypesNode,
md.blockNode, null/*declaringNameSpace*/,
modifiers, callstack, interpreter
methods.add( bm );
return (DelayedEvalBshMethod [])methods.toArray(
new DelayedEvalBshMethod[0] );
A node filter that filters nodes for either a class body static
initializer or instance initializer. In the static case only static
members are passed, etc.
static class ClassNodeFilter implements BSHBlock.NodeFilter
public static final int STATIC=0, INSTANCE=1, CLASSES=2;
public static ClassNodeFilter CLASSSTATIC =
new ClassNodeFilter( STATIC );
public static ClassNodeFilter CLASSINSTANCE =
new ClassNodeFilter( INSTANCE );
public static ClassNodeFilter CLASSCLASSES =
new ClassNodeFilter( CLASSES );
int context;
private ClassNodeFilter( int context ) { this.context = context; }
public boolean isVisible( SimpleNode node )
if ( context == CLASSES )
return node instanceof BSHClassDeclaration;
// Only show class decs in CLASSES
if ( node instanceof BSHClassDeclaration )
return false;
if ( context == STATIC )
return isStatic( node );
if ( context == INSTANCE )
return !isStatic( node );
// ALL
return true;
boolean isStatic( SimpleNode node )
if ( node instanceof BSHTypedVariableDeclaration )
return ((BSHTypedVariableDeclaration)node).modifiers != null
&& ((BSHTypedVariableDeclaration)node).modifiers
if ( node instanceof BSHMethodDeclaration )
return ((BSHMethodDeclaration)node).modifiers != null
&& ((BSHMethodDeclaration)node).modifiers
// need to add static block here
if ( node instanceof BSHBlock)
return ((BSHBlock)node).isStatic;
return false;
public static Object invokeSuperclassMethodImpl(
BshClassManager bcm, Object instance, String methodName, Object [] args
throws UtilEvalError, ReflectError, InvocationTargetException
String superName = ClassGeneratorUtil.BSHSUPER+methodName;
// look for the specially named super delegate method
Class clas = instance.getClass();
Method superMethod = Reflect.resolveJavaMethod(
bcm, clas, superName, Types.getTypes(args), false/*onlyStatic*/ );
if ( superMethod != null )
return Reflect.invokeMethod(
superMethod, instance, args );
// No super method, try to invoke regular method
// could be a superfluous "super." which is legal.
Class superClass = clas.getSuperclass();
superMethod = Reflect.resolveExpectedJavaMethod(
bcm, superClass, instance, methodName, args,
false/*onlyStatic*/ );
return Reflect.invokeMethod( superMethod, instance, args );