package org.supercsv.util;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.supercsv.exception.SuperCSVReflectionException;
* This is part of the internal implementation of SuperCSV.
* <p>
* This class creates bean instances based on an interface. This allows you given an interface for a bean (but no
* implementation), to on-the-fly generate a bean implementation. This instance you can then use for fetching and
* storing state. It assumes all get methods starts with "get" and all set methods start with "set" and takes only 1
* argument.
* @author Kasper B. Graversen, (c) 2008
public class BeanInterfaceProxy implements InvocationHandler {
private final HashMap<String, Object> beanState = new HashMap<String, Object>();
* Creates a proxy object which implements a given bean interface. This proxy object will act as an implementation of
* the interface, hence just a data container
* @param anInterface
* Interface for which to create a proxy
* @return the proxy implementation
public Object createProxy(final Class anInterface) {
return Proxy.newProxyInstance(anInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { anInterface }, this);
* {@inheritDoc} This method is invoked every time a method is invoked on our proxy. getMethods returns the value they
* hold or null. SetMethods sets the state given by the first argument and returns itself (to use it with method
* chaining)
public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if( method.getName().startsWith("get") ) { return beanState.get(method.getName().substring(3)); }
if( method.getName().startsWith("set") ) {
if( args.length == 1 ) {
beanState.put(method.getName().substring(3), args[0]);
return proxy;
} else {
throw new SuperCSVReflectionException("Method should only take 1 argument");
throw new SuperCSVReflectionException("Can only understand method calls starting with 'get' or 'set'. Got method '"
+ method.getName() + "'");