* Copyright (C) 2011 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
* License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.common.collect;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.collect.BstSide.LEFT;
import static com.google.common.collect.BstSide.RIGHT;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import java.util.Comparator;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Tools to perform single-key queries and mutations in binary search trees.
* @author Louis Wasserman
final class BstOperations {
private BstOperations() {}
* Returns the node with key {@code key} in {@code tree}, if any.
public static <K, N extends BstNode<K, N>> N seek(
Comparator<? super K> comparator, @Nullable N tree, K key) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
int cmp = comparator.compare(key, tree.getKey());
if (cmp == 0) {
return tree;
} else {
BstSide side = (cmp < 0) ? LEFT : RIGHT;
return seek(comparator, tree.childOrNull(side), key);
* Returns the result of performing the mutation specified by {@code mutationRule} in {@code
* tree} at the location with key {@code key}.
* <ul>
* <li>If the returned {@link BstModificationResult} has type {@code IDENTITY}, the exact
* original tree is returned.
* <li>If the returned {@code BstModificationResult} has type {@code REBUILDING_CHANGE},
* the tree will be rebuilt with the node factory of the mutation rule, but not rebalanced.
* <li>If the returned {@code BstModificationResult} has type {@code REBALANCING_CHANGE},
* the tree will be rebalanced using the balance policy of the mutation rule.
* </ul>
public static <K, N extends BstNode<K, N>> BstMutationResult<K, N> mutate(
Comparator<? super K> comparator, BstMutationRule<K, N> mutationRule, @Nullable N tree,
K key) {
if (tree != null) {
int cmp = comparator.compare(key, tree.getKey());
if (cmp != 0) {
BstSide side = (cmp < 0) ? LEFT : RIGHT;
BstMutationResult<K, N> mutation =
mutate(comparator, mutationRule, tree.childOrNull(side), key);
return mutation.lift(
tree, side, mutationRule.getNodeFactory(), mutationRule.getBalancePolicy());
return modify(tree, key, mutationRule);
* Perform the local mutation at the tip of the specified path.
public static <K, N extends BstNode<K, N>> BstMutationResult<K, N> mutate(
BstInOrderPath<N> path, BstMutationRule<K, N> mutationRule) {
BstBalancePolicy<N> balancePolicy = mutationRule.getBalancePolicy();
BstNodeFactory<N> nodeFactory = mutationRule.getNodeFactory();
BstModifier<K, N> modifier = mutationRule.getModifier();
N target = path.getTip();
K key = target.getKey();
BstMutationResult<K, N> result = modify(target, key, mutationRule);
while (path.hasPrefix()) {
BstInOrderPath<N> prefix = path.getPrefix();
result = result.lift(prefix.getTip(), path.getSideOfExtension(), nodeFactory, balancePolicy);
path = prefix;
return result;
* Perform the local mutation right here, at the specified node.
private static <K, N extends BstNode<K, N>> BstMutationResult<K, N> modify(
@Nullable N tree, K key, BstMutationRule<K, N> mutationRule) {
BstBalancePolicy<N> rebalancePolicy = mutationRule.getBalancePolicy();
BstNodeFactory<N> nodeFactory = mutationRule.getNodeFactory();
BstModifier<K, N> modifier = mutationRule.getModifier();
N originalRoot = tree;
N changedRoot;
N originalTarget = (tree == null) ? null : nodeFactory.createLeaf(tree);
BstModificationResult<N> modResult = modifier.modify(key, originalTarget);
N originalLeft = null;
N originalRight = null;
if (tree != null) {
originalLeft = tree.childOrNull(LEFT);
originalRight = tree.childOrNull(RIGHT);
switch (modResult.getType()) {
changedRoot = tree;
if (modResult.getChangedTarget() != null) {
changedRoot =
nodeFactory.createNode(modResult.getChangedTarget(), originalLeft, originalRight);
} else if (tree == null) {
changedRoot = null;
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
"Modification result is a REBUILDING_CHANGE, but rebalancing required");
if (modResult.getChangedTarget() != null) {
changedRoot = rebalancePolicy.balance(
nodeFactory, modResult.getChangedTarget(), originalLeft, originalRight);
} else if (tree != null) {
changedRoot = rebalancePolicy.combine(nodeFactory, originalLeft, originalRight);
} else {
changedRoot = null;
throw new AssertionError();
return BstMutationResult.mutationResult(key, originalRoot, changedRoot, modResult);
* Returns the result of removing the minimum element from the specified subtree.
public static <K, N extends BstNode<K, N>> BstMutationResult<K, N> extractMin(
N root, BstNodeFactory<N> nodeFactory, BstBalancePolicy<N> balancePolicy) {
if (root.hasChild(LEFT)) {
BstMutationResult<K, N> subResult =
extractMin(root.getChild(LEFT), nodeFactory, balancePolicy);
return subResult.lift(root, LEFT, nodeFactory, balancePolicy);
return BstMutationResult.mutationResult(
root.getKey(), root, root.childOrNull(RIGHT),
BstModificationResult.rebalancingChange(root, null));
* Returns the result of removing the maximum element from the specified subtree.
public static <K, N extends BstNode<K, N>> BstMutationResult<K, N> extractMax(
N root, BstNodeFactory<N> nodeFactory, BstBalancePolicy<N> balancePolicy) {
if (root.hasChild(RIGHT)) {
BstMutationResult<K, N> subResult =
extractMax(root.getChild(RIGHT), nodeFactory, balancePolicy);
return subResult.lift(root, RIGHT, nodeFactory, balancePolicy);
return BstMutationResult.mutationResult(root.getKey(), root, root.childOrNull(LEFT),
BstModificationResult.rebalancingChange(root, null));
* Inserts the specified entry into the tree as the minimum entry. Assumes that {@code
* entry.getKey()} is less than the key of all nodes in the subtree {@code root}.
public static <N extends BstNode<?, N>> N insertMin(@Nullable N root, N entry,
BstNodeFactory<N> nodeFactory, BstBalancePolicy<N> balancePolicy) {
if (root == null) {
return nodeFactory.createLeaf(entry);
} else {
return balancePolicy.balance(nodeFactory, root,
insertMin(root.childOrNull(LEFT), entry, nodeFactory, balancePolicy),
* Inserts the specified entry into the tree as the maximum entry. Assumes that {@code
* entry.getKey()} is greater than the key of all nodes in the subtree {@code root}.
public static <N extends BstNode<?, N>> N insertMax(@Nullable N root, N entry,
BstNodeFactory<N> nodeFactory, BstBalancePolicy<N> balancePolicy) {
if (root == null) {
return nodeFactory.createLeaf(entry);
} else {
return balancePolicy.balance(nodeFactory, root, root.childOrNull(LEFT),
insertMax(root.childOrNull(RIGHT), entry, nodeFactory, balancePolicy));