//$Id: MimerSQLDialect.java 7822 2005-08-10 19:49:36Z oneovthafew $
package org.hibernate.dialect;
import java.sql.Types;
import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.*;
* An Hibernate 3 SQL dialect for Mimer SQL. This dialect requires Mimer SQL 9.2.1 or later
* because of the mappings to NCLOB, BINARY, and BINARY VARYING.
* @author Fredrik �lund <[email protected]>
public class MimerSQLDialect extends Dialect {
private static final int NATIONAL_CHAR_LENGTH = 2000;
private static final int BINARY_MAX_LENGTH = 2000;
* Even thoug Mimer SQL supports character and binary columns up to 15 000 in lenght,
* this is also the maximum width of the table (exluding LOBs). To avoid breaking the limit all the
* time we limit the length of the character columns to CHAR_MAX_LENTH, NATIONAL_CHAR_LENGTH for national
* characters, and BINARY_MAX_LENGTH for binary types.
public MimerSQLDialect() {
registerColumnType( Types.BIT, "ODBC.BIT" );
registerColumnType( Types.BIGINT, "BIGINT" );
registerColumnType( Types.SMALLINT, "SMALLINT" );
registerColumnType( Types.TINYINT, "ODBC.TINYINT" );
registerColumnType( Types.INTEGER, "INTEGER" );
registerColumnType( Types.CHAR, "NCHAR(1)" );
registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "NCLOB($l)" );
registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARCHAR, "CLOB($1)");
registerColumnType( Types.FLOAT, "FLOAT" );
registerColumnType( Types.DOUBLE, "DOUBLE PRECISION" );
registerColumnType( Types.DATE, "DATE" );
registerColumnType( Types.TIME, "TIME" );
registerColumnType( Types.TIMESTAMP, "TIMESTAMP" );
registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, "BLOB($1)" );
registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARBINARY, "BLOB($1)");
registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, BINARY_MAX_LENGTH, "BINARY" );
registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, "BLOB($1)" );
registerColumnType( Types.NUMERIC, "NUMERIC(19, $l)" );
registerColumnType( Types.BLOB, "BLOB($l)" );
registerColumnType( Types.CLOB, "NCLOB($l)" );
registerFunction("abs", new StandardSQLFunction("abs") );
registerFunction("sign", new StandardSQLFunction("sign", Hibernate.INTEGER) );
registerFunction("ceiling", new StandardSQLFunction("ceiling") );
registerFunction("floor", new StandardSQLFunction("floor") );
registerFunction("round", new StandardSQLFunction("round") );
registerFunction("dacos", new StandardSQLFunction("dacos", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("acos", new StandardSQLFunction("dacos", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dasin", new StandardSQLFunction("dasin", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("asin", new StandardSQLFunction("dasin", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("datan", new StandardSQLFunction("datan", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("atan", new StandardSQLFunction("datan", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("datan2", new StandardSQLFunction("datan2", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("atan2", new StandardSQLFunction("datan2", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dcos", new StandardSQLFunction("dcos", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("cos", new StandardSQLFunction("dcos", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dcot", new StandardSQLFunction("dcot", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("cot", new StandardSQLFunction("dcot", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("ddegrees", new StandardSQLFunction("ddegrees", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("degrees", new StandardSQLFunction("ddegrees", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dexp", new StandardSQLFunction("dexp", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("exp", new StandardSQLFunction("dexp", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dlog", new StandardSQLFunction("dlog", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("log", new StandardSQLFunction("dlog", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dlog10", new StandardSQLFunction("dlog10", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("log10", new StandardSQLFunction("dlog10", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dradian", new StandardSQLFunction("dradian", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("radian", new StandardSQLFunction("dradian", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dsin", new StandardSQLFunction("dsin", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("sin", new StandardSQLFunction("dsin", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("soundex", new StandardSQLFunction("soundex", Hibernate.STRING) );
registerFunction("dsqrt", new StandardSQLFunction("dsqrt", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("sqrt", new StandardSQLFunction("dsqrt", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dtan", new StandardSQLFunction("dtan", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("tan", new StandardSQLFunction("dtan", Hibernate.DOUBLE) );
registerFunction("dpower", new StandardSQLFunction("dpower") );
registerFunction("power", new StandardSQLFunction("dpower") );
registerFunction("date", new StandardSQLFunction("date", Hibernate.DATE) );
registerFunction("dayofweek", new StandardSQLFunction("dayofweek", Hibernate.INTEGER) );
registerFunction("dayofyear", new StandardSQLFunction("dayofyear", Hibernate.INTEGER) );
registerFunction("time", new StandardSQLFunction("time", Hibernate.TIME) );
registerFunction("timestamp", new StandardSQLFunction("timestamp", Hibernate.TIMESTAMP) );
registerFunction("week", new StandardSQLFunction("week", Hibernate.INTEGER) );
registerFunction("varchar", new StandardSQLFunction("varchar", Hibernate.STRING) );
registerFunction("real", new StandardSQLFunction("real", Hibernate.FLOAT) );
registerFunction("bigint", new StandardSQLFunction("bigint", Hibernate.LONG) );
registerFunction("char", new StandardSQLFunction("char", Hibernate.CHARACTER) );
registerFunction("integer", new StandardSQLFunction("integer", Hibernate.INTEGER) );
registerFunction("smallint", new StandardSQLFunction("smallint", Hibernate.SHORT) );
registerFunction("ascii_char", new StandardSQLFunction("ascii_char", Hibernate.CHARACTER) );
registerFunction("ascii_code", new StandardSQLFunction("ascii_code", Hibernate.STRING));
registerFunction("unicode_char", new StandardSQLFunction("unicode_char", Hibernate.LONG));
registerFunction("unicode_code", new StandardSQLFunction("unicode_code", Hibernate.STRING));
registerFunction("upper", new StandardSQLFunction("upper") );
registerFunction("lower", new StandardSQLFunction("lower") );
registerFunction("char_length", new StandardSQLFunction("char_length", Hibernate.LONG) );
registerFunction("bit_length", new StandardSQLFunction("bit_length", Hibernate.STRING));
getDefaultProperties().setProperty(Environment.USE_STREAMS_FOR_BINARY, "true");
getDefaultProperties().setProperty(Environment.STATEMENT_BATCH_SIZE, "50");
* The syntax used to add a column to a table
public String getAddColumnString() {
return "add column";
* We do not have to drop constraints before we drop the table
public boolean dropConstraints() {
return false;
* TODO: Check if Mimer SQL cannot handle the way DB2 does
public boolean supportsIdentityColumns() {
return false;
* Mimer SQL supports sequences
* @return boolean
public boolean supportsSequences() {
return true;
* The syntax used to get the next value of a sequence in Mimer SQL
public String getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) {
return "select next_value of " + sequenceName + " from system.onerow";
* The syntax used to create a sequence. Since we presume the sequences will be used as keys,
* we make them unique.
public String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName) {
return "create unique sequence " + sequenceName;
* The syntax used to drop sequences
public String getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName) {
return "drop sequence " + sequenceName + " restrict";
* Mimer SQL does not support limit
public boolean supportsLimit() {
return false;
* The syntax for using cascade on constraints
public String getCascadeConstraintsString() {
return " cascade";
* The syntax for fetching all sequnces avialable in the current schema.
public String getQuerySequencesString() {
return "select sequence_schema || '.' || sequence_name from information_schema.ext_sequences";
* Does the <tt>FOR UPDATE OF</tt> syntax specify particular
* columns?
public boolean forUpdateOfColumns() {
return false;
* Support the FOR UPDATE syntax? For now, returns false since
* the current version of the Mimer SQL JDBC Driver does not support
* updatable resultsets. Otherwise, Mimer SQL actually supports the for update syntax.
* @return boolean
public boolean supportsForUpdate() {
return false;
* For now, simply return false since we don't updatable result sets.
public boolean supportsOuterJoinForUpdate() {
return false;