* Copyright 2002-2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.aop.framework;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.springframework.aop.SpringProxy;
import org.springframework.aop.TargetClassAware;
import org.springframework.aop.TargetSource;
import org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils;
import org.springframework.aop.target.SingletonTargetSource;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
* Utility methods for AOP proxy factories.
* Mainly for internal use within the AOP framework.
* <p>See {@link org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils} for a collection of
* generic AOP utility methods which do not depend on AOP framework internals.
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @see org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils
public abstract class AopProxyUtils {
* Determine the ultimate target class of the given bean instance, traversing
* not only a top-level proxy but any number of nested proxies as well -
* as long as possible without side effects, that is, just for singleton targets.
* @param candidate the instance to check (might be an AOP proxy)
* @return the target class (or the plain class of the given object as fallback;
* never <code>null</code>)
* @see org.springframework.aop.TargetClassAware#getTargetClass()
* @see org.springframework.aop.framework.Advised#getTargetSource()
public static Class<?> ultimateTargetClass(Object candidate) {
Assert.notNull(candidate, "Candidate object must not be null");
Object current = candidate;
Class<?> result = null;
while (current instanceof TargetClassAware) {
result = ((TargetClassAware) current).getTargetClass();
Object nested = null;
if (current instanceof Advised) {
TargetSource targetSource = ((Advised) current).getTargetSource();
if (targetSource instanceof SingletonTargetSource) {
nested = ((SingletonTargetSource) targetSource).getTarget();
current = nested;
if (result == null) {
result = (AopUtils.isCglibProxy(candidate) ? candidate.getClass().getSuperclass() : candidate.getClass());
return result;
* Determine the complete set of interfaces to proxy for the given AOP configuration.
* <p>This will always add the {@link Advised} interface unless the AdvisedSupport's
* {@link AdvisedSupport#setOpaque "opaque"} flag is on. Always adds the
* {@link org.springframework.aop.SpringProxy} marker interface.
* @return the complete set of interfaces to proxy
* @see Advised
* @see org.springframework.aop.SpringProxy
public static Class[] completeProxiedInterfaces(AdvisedSupport advised) {
Class[] specifiedInterfaces = advised.getProxiedInterfaces();
if (specifiedInterfaces.length == 0) {
// No user-specified interfaces: check whether target class is an interface.
Class targetClass = advised.getTargetClass();
if (targetClass != null && targetClass.isInterface()) {
specifiedInterfaces = new Class[] {targetClass};
boolean addSpringProxy = !advised.isInterfaceProxied(SpringProxy.class);
boolean addAdvised = !advised.isOpaque() && !advised.isInterfaceProxied(Advised.class);
int nonUserIfcCount = 0;
if (addSpringProxy) {
if (addAdvised) {
Class[] proxiedInterfaces = new Class[specifiedInterfaces.length + nonUserIfcCount];
System.arraycopy(specifiedInterfaces, 0, proxiedInterfaces, 0, specifiedInterfaces.length);
if (addSpringProxy) {
proxiedInterfaces[specifiedInterfaces.length] = SpringProxy.class;
if (addAdvised) {
proxiedInterfaces[proxiedInterfaces.length - 1] = Advised.class;
return proxiedInterfaces;
* Extract the user-specified interfaces that the given proxy implements,
* i.e. all non-Advised interfaces that the proxy implements.
* @param proxy the proxy to analyze (usually a JDK dynamic proxy)
* @return all user-specified interfaces that the proxy implements,
* in the original order (never <code>null</code> or empty)
* @see Advised
public static Class[] proxiedUserInterfaces(Object proxy) {
Class[] proxyInterfaces = proxy.getClass().getInterfaces();
int nonUserIfcCount = 0;
if (proxy instanceof SpringProxy) {
if (proxy instanceof Advised) {
Class[] userInterfaces = new Class[proxyInterfaces.length - nonUserIfcCount];
System.arraycopy(proxyInterfaces, 0, userInterfaces, 0, userInterfaces.length);
Assert.notEmpty(userInterfaces, "JDK proxy must implement one or more interfaces");
return userInterfaces;
* Check equality of the proxies behind the given AdvisedSupport objects.
* Not the same as equality of the AdvisedSupport objects:
* rather, equality of interfaces, advisors and target sources.
public static boolean equalsInProxy(AdvisedSupport a, AdvisedSupport b) {
return (a == b ||
(equalsProxiedInterfaces(a, b) && equalsAdvisors(a, b) && a.getTargetSource().equals(b.getTargetSource())));
* Check equality of the proxied interfaces behind the given AdvisedSupport objects.
public static boolean equalsProxiedInterfaces(AdvisedSupport a, AdvisedSupport b) {
return Arrays.equals(a.getProxiedInterfaces(), b.getProxiedInterfaces());
* Check equality of the advisors behind the given AdvisedSupport objects.
public static boolean equalsAdvisors(AdvisedSupport a, AdvisedSupport b) {
return Arrays.equals(a.getAdvisors(), b.getAdvisors());