* Copyright 2002-2009 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.springframework.context.support;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware;
import org.springframework.core.io.DefaultResourceLoader;
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource;
import org.springframework.core.io.ResourceLoader;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.DefaultPropertiesPersister;
import org.springframework.util.PropertiesPersister;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* {@link org.springframework.context.MessageSource} implementation that
* accesses resource bundles using specified basenames. This class uses
* {@link java.util.Properties} instances as its custom data structure for
* messages, loading them via a {@link org.springframework.util.PropertiesPersister}
* strategy: The default strategy is capable of loading properties files
* with a specific character encoding, if desired.
* <p>In contrast to {@link ResourceBundleMessageSource}, this class supports
* reloading of properties files through the {@link #setCacheSeconds "cacheSeconds"}
* setting, and also through programmatically clearing the properties cache.
* Since application servers typically cache all files loaded from the classpath,
* it is necessary to store resources somewhere else (for example, in the
* "WEB-INF" directory of a web app). Otherwise changes of files in the
* classpath will <i>not</i> be reflected in the application.
* <p>Note that the base names set as {@link #setBasenames "basenames"} property
* are treated in a slightly different fashion than the "basenames" property of
* {@link ResourceBundleMessageSource}. It follows the basic ResourceBundle rule of not
* specifying file extension or language codes, but can refer to any Spring resource
* location (instead of being restricted to classpath resources). With a "classpath:"
* prefix, resources can still be loaded from the classpath, but "cacheSeconds" values
* other than "-1" (caching forever) will not work in this case.
* <p>This MessageSource implementation is usually slightly faster than
* {@link ResourceBundleMessageSource}, which builds on {@link java.util.ResourceBundle}
* - in the default mode, i.e. when caching forever. With "cacheSeconds" set to 1,
* message lookup takes about twice as long - with the benefit that changes in
* individual properties files are detected with a maximum delay of 1 second.
* Higher "cacheSeconds" values usually <i>do not</i> make a significant difference.
* <p>This MessageSource can easily be used outside of an
* {@link org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext}: It will use a
* {@link org.springframework.core.io.DefaultResourceLoader} as default,
* simply getting overridden with the ApplicationContext's resource loader
* if running in a context. It does not have any other specific dependencies.
* <p>Thanks to Thomas Achleitner for providing the initial implementation of
* this message source!
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @see #setCacheSeconds
* @see #setBasenames
* @see #setDefaultEncoding
* @see #setFileEncodings
* @see #setPropertiesPersister
* @see #setResourceLoader
* @see org.springframework.util.DefaultPropertiesPersister
* @see org.springframework.core.io.DefaultResourceLoader
* @see ResourceBundleMessageSource
* @see java.util.ResourceBundle
public class ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource extends AbstractMessageSource
implements ResourceLoaderAware {
private static final String PROPERTIES_SUFFIX = ".properties";
private static final String XML_SUFFIX = ".xml";
private String[] basenames = new String[0];
private String defaultEncoding;
private Properties fileEncodings;
private boolean fallbackToSystemLocale = true;
private long cacheMillis = -1;
private PropertiesPersister propertiesPersister = new DefaultPropertiesPersister();
private ResourceLoader resourceLoader = new DefaultResourceLoader();
/** Cache to hold filename lists per Locale */
private final Map<String, Map<Locale, List<String>>> cachedFilenames =
new HashMap<String, Map<Locale, List<String>>>();
/** Cache to hold already loaded properties per filename */
private final Map<String, PropertiesHolder> cachedProperties = new HashMap<String, PropertiesHolder>();
/** Cache to hold merged loaded properties per locale */
private final Map<Locale, PropertiesHolder> cachedMergedProperties = new HashMap<Locale, PropertiesHolder>();
* Set a single basename, following the basic ResourceBundle convention of
* not specifying file extension or language codes, but in contrast to
* {@link ResourceBundleMessageSource} referring to a Spring resource location:
* e.g. "WEB-INF/messages" for "WEB-INF/messages.properties",
* "WEB-INF/messages_en.properties", etc.
* <p>XML properties files are also supported: .g. "WEB-INF/messages" will find
* and load "WEB-INF/messages.xml", "WEB-INF/messages_en.xml", etc as well.
* @param basename the single basename
* @see #setBasenames
* @see org.springframework.core.io.ResourceEditor
* @see java.util.ResourceBundle
public void setBasename(String basename) {
setBasenames(new String[] {basename});
* Set an array of basenames, each following the basic ResourceBundle convention
* of not specifying file extension or language codes, but in contrast to
* {@link ResourceBundleMessageSource} referring to a Spring resource location:
* e.g. "WEB-INF/messages" for "WEB-INF/messages.properties",
* "WEB-INF/messages_en.properties", etc.
* <p>XML properties files are also supported: .g. "WEB-INF/messages" will find
* and load "WEB-INF/messages.xml", "WEB-INF/messages_en.xml", etc as well.
* <p>The associated resource bundles will be checked sequentially when resolving
* a message code. Note that message definitions in a <i>previous</i> resource
* bundle will override ones in a later bundle, due to the sequential lookup.
* @param basenames an array of basenames
* @see #setBasename
* @see java.util.ResourceBundle
public void setBasenames(String[] basenames) {
if (basenames != null) {
this.basenames = new String[basenames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < basenames.length; i++) {
String basename = basenames[i];
Assert.hasText(basename, "Basename must not be empty");
this.basenames[i] = basename.trim();
else {
this.basenames = new String[0];
* Set the default charset to use for parsing properties files.
* Used if no file-specific charset is specified for a file.
* <p>Default is none, using the <code>java.util.Properties</code>
* default encoding.
* <p>Only applies to classic properties files, not to XML files.
* @param defaultEncoding the default charset
* @see #setFileEncodings
* @see org.springframework.util.PropertiesPersister#load
public void setDefaultEncoding(String defaultEncoding) {
this.defaultEncoding = defaultEncoding;
* Set per-file charsets to use for parsing properties files.
* <p>Only applies to classic properties files, not to XML files.
* @param fileEncodings Properties with filenames as keys and charset
* names as values. Filenames have to match the basename syntax,
* with optional locale-specific appendices: e.g. "WEB-INF/messages"
* or "WEB-INF/messages_en".
* @see #setBasenames
* @see org.springframework.util.PropertiesPersister#load
public void setFileEncodings(Properties fileEncodings) {
this.fileEncodings = fileEncodings;
* Set whether to fall back to the system Locale if no files for a specific
* Locale have been found. Default is "true"; if this is turned off, the only
* fallback will be the default file (e.g. "messages.properties" for
* basename "messages").
* <p>Falling back to the system Locale is the default behavior of
* <code>java.util.ResourceBundle</code>. However, this is often not
* desirable in an application server environment, where the system Locale
* is not relevant to the application at all: Set this flag to "false"
* in such a scenario.
public void setFallbackToSystemLocale(boolean fallbackToSystemLocale) {
this.fallbackToSystemLocale = fallbackToSystemLocale;
* Set the number of seconds to cache loaded properties files.
* <ul>
* <li>Default is "-1", indicating to cache forever (just like
* <code>java.util.ResourceBundle</code>).
* <li>A positive number will cache loaded properties files for the given
* number of seconds. This is essentially the interval between refresh checks.
* Note that a refresh attempt will first check the last-modified timestamp
* of the file before actually reloading it; so if files don't change, this
* interval can be set rather low, as refresh attempts will not actually reload.
* <li>A value of "0" will check the last-modified timestamp of the file on
* every message access. <b>Do not use this in a production environment!</b>
* </ul>
public void setCacheSeconds(int cacheSeconds) {
this.cacheMillis = (cacheSeconds * 1000);
* Set the PropertiesPersister to use for parsing properties files.
* <p>The default is a DefaultPropertiesPersister.
* @see org.springframework.util.DefaultPropertiesPersister
public void setPropertiesPersister(PropertiesPersister propertiesPersister) {
this.propertiesPersister =
(propertiesPersister != null ? propertiesPersister : new DefaultPropertiesPersister());
* Set the ResourceLoader to use for loading bundle properties files.
* <p>The default is a DefaultResourceLoader. Will get overridden by the
* ApplicationContext if running in a context, as it implements the
* ResourceLoaderAware interface. Can be manually overridden when
* running outside of an ApplicationContext.
* @see org.springframework.core.io.DefaultResourceLoader
* @see org.springframework.context.ResourceLoaderAware
public void setResourceLoader(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
this.resourceLoader = (resourceLoader != null ? resourceLoader : new DefaultResourceLoader());
* Resolves the given message code as key in the retrieved bundle files,
* returning the value found in the bundle as-is (without MessageFormat parsing).
protected String resolveCodeWithoutArguments(String code, Locale locale) {
if (this.cacheMillis < 0) {
PropertiesHolder propHolder = getMergedProperties(locale);
String result = propHolder.getProperty(code);
if (result != null) {
return result;
else {
for (String basename : this.basenames) {
List<String> filenames = calculateAllFilenames(basename, locale);
for (String filename : filenames) {
PropertiesHolder propHolder = getProperties(filename);
String result = propHolder.getProperty(code);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
* Resolves the given message code as key in the retrieved bundle files,
* using a cached MessageFormat instance per message code.
protected MessageFormat resolveCode(String code, Locale locale) {
if (this.cacheMillis < 0) {
PropertiesHolder propHolder = getMergedProperties(locale);
MessageFormat result = propHolder.getMessageFormat(code, locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
else {
for (String basename : this.basenames) {
List<String> filenames = calculateAllFilenames(basename, locale);
for (String filename : filenames) {
PropertiesHolder propHolder = getProperties(filename);
MessageFormat result = propHolder.getMessageFormat(code, locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
return null;
* Get a PropertiesHolder that contains the actually visible properties
* for a Locale, after merging all specified resource bundles.
* Either fetches the holder from the cache or freshly loads it.
* <p>Only used when caching resource bundle contents forever, i.e.
* with cacheSeconds < 0. Therefore, merged properties are always
* cached forever.
protected PropertiesHolder getMergedProperties(Locale locale) {
synchronized (this.cachedMergedProperties) {
PropertiesHolder mergedHolder = this.cachedMergedProperties.get(locale);
if (mergedHolder != null) {
return mergedHolder;
Properties mergedProps = new Properties();
mergedHolder = new PropertiesHolder(mergedProps, -1);
for (int i = this.basenames.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
List filenames = calculateAllFilenames(this.basenames[i], locale);
for (int j = filenames.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
String filename = (String) filenames.get(j);
PropertiesHolder propHolder = getProperties(filename);
if (propHolder.getProperties() != null) {
this.cachedMergedProperties.put(locale, mergedHolder);
return mergedHolder;
* Calculate all filenames for the given bundle basename and Locale.
* Will calculate filenames for the given Locale, the system Locale
* (if applicable), and the default file.
* @param basename the basename of the bundle
* @param locale the locale
* @return the List of filenames to check
* @see #setFallbackToSystemLocale
* @see #calculateFilenamesForLocale
protected List<String> calculateAllFilenames(String basename, Locale locale) {
synchronized (this.cachedFilenames) {
Map<Locale, List<String>> localeMap = this.cachedFilenames.get(basename);
if (localeMap != null) {
List<String> filenames = localeMap.get(locale);
if (filenames != null) {
return filenames;
List<String> filenames = new ArrayList<String>(7);
filenames.addAll(calculateFilenamesForLocale(basename, locale));
if (this.fallbackToSystemLocale && !locale.equals(Locale.getDefault())) {
List<String> fallbackFilenames = calculateFilenamesForLocale(basename, Locale.getDefault());
for (String fallbackFilename : fallbackFilenames) {
if (!filenames.contains(fallbackFilename)) {
// Entry for fallback locale that isn't already in filenames list.
if (localeMap != null) {
localeMap.put(locale, filenames);
else {
localeMap = new HashMap<Locale, List<String>>();
localeMap.put(locale, filenames);
this.cachedFilenames.put(basename, localeMap);
return filenames;
* Calculate the filenames for the given bundle basename and Locale,
* appending language code, country code, and variant code.
* E.g.: basename "messages", Locale "de_AT_oo" -> "messages_de_AT_OO",
* "messages_de_AT", "messages_de".
* <p>Follows the rules defined by {@link java.util.Locale#toString()}.
* @param basename the basename of the bundle
* @param locale the locale
* @return the List of filenames to check
protected List<String> calculateFilenamesForLocale(String basename, Locale locale) {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(3);
String language = locale.getLanguage();
String country = locale.getCountry();
String variant = locale.getVariant();
StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(basename);
if (language.length() > 0) {
result.add(0, temp.toString());
if (country.length() > 0) {
result.add(0, temp.toString());
if (variant.length() > 0 && (language.length() > 0 || country.length() > 0)) {
result.add(0, temp.toString());
return result;
* Get a PropertiesHolder for the given filename, either from the
* cache or freshly loaded.
* @param filename the bundle filename (basename + Locale)
* @return the current PropertiesHolder for the bundle
protected PropertiesHolder getProperties(String filename) {
synchronized (this.cachedProperties) {
PropertiesHolder propHolder = this.cachedProperties.get(filename);
if (propHolder != null &&
(propHolder.getRefreshTimestamp() < 0 ||
propHolder.getRefreshTimestamp() > System.currentTimeMillis() - this.cacheMillis)) {
// up to date
return propHolder;
return refreshProperties(filename, propHolder);
* Refresh the PropertiesHolder for the given bundle filename.
* The holder can be <code>null</code> if not cached before, or a timed-out cache entry
* (potentially getting re-validated against the current last-modified timestamp).
* @param filename the bundle filename (basename + Locale)
* @param propHolder the current PropertiesHolder for the bundle
protected PropertiesHolder refreshProperties(String filename, PropertiesHolder propHolder) {
long refreshTimestamp = (this.cacheMillis < 0) ? -1 : System.currentTimeMillis();
Resource resource = this.resourceLoader.getResource(filename + PROPERTIES_SUFFIX);
if (!resource.exists()) {
resource = this.resourceLoader.getResource(filename + XML_SUFFIX);
if (resource.exists()) {
long fileTimestamp = -1;
if (this.cacheMillis >= 0) {
// Last-modified timestamp of file will just be read if caching with timeout.
try {
fileTimestamp = resource.lastModified();
if (propHolder != null && propHolder.getFileTimestamp() == fileTimestamp) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Re-caching properties for filename [" + filename + "] - file hasn't been modified");
return propHolder;
catch (IOException ex) {
// Probably a class path resource: cache it forever.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
resource + " could not be resolved in the file system - assuming that is hasn't changed", ex);
fileTimestamp = -1;
try {
Properties props = loadProperties(resource, filename);
propHolder = new PropertiesHolder(props, fileTimestamp);
catch (IOException ex) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled()) {
logger.warn("Could not parse properties file [" + resource.getFilename() + "]", ex);
// Empty holder representing "not valid".
propHolder = new PropertiesHolder();
else {
// Resource does not exist.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("No properties file found for [" + filename + "] - neither plain properties nor XML");
// Empty holder representing "not found".
propHolder = new PropertiesHolder();
this.cachedProperties.put(filename, propHolder);
return propHolder;
* Load the properties from the given resource.
* @param resource the resource to load from
* @param filename the original bundle filename (basename + Locale)
* @return the populated Properties instance
* @throws IOException if properties loading failed
protected Properties loadProperties(Resource resource, String filename) throws IOException {
InputStream is = resource.getInputStream();
Properties props = new Properties();
try {
if (resource.getFilename().endsWith(XML_SUFFIX)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Loading properties [" + resource.getFilename() + "]");
this.propertiesPersister.loadFromXml(props, is);
else {
String encoding = null;
if (this.fileEncodings != null) {
encoding = this.fileEncodings.getProperty(filename);
if (encoding == null) {
encoding = this.defaultEncoding;
if (encoding != null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Loading properties [" + resource.getFilename() + "] with encoding '" + encoding + "'");
this.propertiesPersister.load(props, new InputStreamReader(is, encoding));
else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Loading properties [" + resource.getFilename() + "]");
this.propertiesPersister.load(props, is);
return props;
finally {
* Clear the resource bundle cache.
* Subsequent resolve calls will lead to reloading of the properties files.
public void clearCache() {
logger.debug("Clearing entire resource bundle cache");
synchronized (this.cachedProperties) {
synchronized (this.cachedMergedProperties) {
* Clear the resource bundle caches of this MessageSource and all its ancestors.
* @see #clearCache
public void clearCacheIncludingAncestors() {
if (getParentMessageSource() instanceof ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource) {
((ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource) getParentMessageSource()).clearCacheIncludingAncestors();
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName() + ": basenames=[" + StringUtils.arrayToCommaDelimitedString(this.basenames) + "]";
* PropertiesHolder for caching.
* Stores the last-modified timestamp of the source file for efficient
* change detection, and the timestamp of the last refresh attempt
* (updated every time the cache entry gets re-validated).
protected class PropertiesHolder {
private Properties properties;
private long fileTimestamp = -1;
private long refreshTimestamp = -1;
/** Cache to hold already generated MessageFormats per message code */
private final Map<String, Map<Locale, MessageFormat>> cachedMessageFormats =
new HashMap<String, Map<Locale, MessageFormat>>();
public PropertiesHolder(Properties properties, long fileTimestamp) {
this.properties = properties;
this.fileTimestamp = fileTimestamp;
public PropertiesHolder() {
public Properties getProperties() {
return properties;
public long getFileTimestamp() {
return fileTimestamp;
public void setRefreshTimestamp(long refreshTimestamp) {
this.refreshTimestamp = refreshTimestamp;
public long getRefreshTimestamp() {
return refreshTimestamp;
public String getProperty(String code) {
if (this.properties == null) {
return null;
return this.properties.getProperty(code);
public MessageFormat getMessageFormat(String code, Locale locale) {
if (this.properties == null) {
return null;
synchronized (this.cachedMessageFormats) {
Map<Locale, MessageFormat> localeMap = this.cachedMessageFormats.get(code);
if (localeMap != null) {
MessageFormat result = localeMap.get(locale);
if (result != null) {
return result;
String msg = this.properties.getProperty(code);
if (msg != null) {
if (localeMap == null) {
localeMap = new HashMap<Locale, MessageFormat>();
this.cachedMessageFormats.put(code, localeMap);
MessageFormat result = createMessageFormat(msg, locale);
localeMap.put(locale, result);
return result;
return null;