* Contains classes defining the application context subinterface
* for UI applications. The theme feature is added here.
* <ul>
* <li>If no <code>UiApplicationContextUtils.THEME_SOURCE_BEAN_NAME</code>
* bean is available in the context or parent context, a default <code>ResourceBundleThemeSource</code>
* will be created for requested themes. In this case, the base name of the property file will match
* with the theme name.</li>
* <li>If the bean is available in the context or parent context, a <code>basenamePrefix</code> can be
* set before the theme name for locating the property files like this:
* <br><code>
* <bean id="themeSource" class="org.springframework.ui.context.support.ResourceBundleThemeSource">
* <br> <property name="basenamePrefix"><value>theme.</value></property>
* <br></bean>
* </code>
* <br> in this case, the themes resource bundles will be named <code>theme.<theme_name>XXX.properties.
* </li>
* <li>This can be defined at application level and/or at servlet level for web applications.</li>
* <li>Normal i18n features of Resource Bundles are available. So a theme message can be dependant
* of both theme and locale.</li>
* <li>If messages in the resource bundles are in fact paths to resources(css, images, ...), make sure these resources
* are directly available for the user and not, for example, under the WEB-INF directory.</li>
* </ul>
* <br>Web packages add the resolution and the setting of the user current theme.
package org.springframework.ui.context;