Excel > JExcel API > How to set Spreadsheet Header and Footer
How to set Spreadsheet Header and Footer
Java Excel API is an open source java library to read, write and modify Excel spread sheets.
This requires the library jxl-2.6.12.jar to be in classpath.
The following example shows how to set the Header and Footer of an Excel Spread sheet.
* @param args
* @throws IOException
* @throws IOException
* @throws WriteException
* @throws BiffException
*/ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, WriteException {
//Creates a writable workbook with the given file name
WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(new File("C:/JXL/HeaderFooter.xls"));
//Create sheet and add a label
WritableSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("My Sheet", 0);
//Add Header and Footer
HeaderFooter header = new HeaderFooter();
header.getCentre().append("BE THE CODER");
HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter();