The following example shows serializing a POJO to an XML.
The POJO should have a no-arg default constructor and
@XmlRootElement annotation at class level.
The annotation @XmlAttribute serializes data as tag attribute.
JAXB uses the following accessor types to serialize java object to XML,
PUBLIC_MEMBER (default) - Binds public getters/setters/fields
FIELD - Binds non static, non transient fields
PROPERTY - Binds public getters/setters
NONE - No binding
As the default accessor type is PUBLIC_MEMBER, the annotation(Such as @XmlAttribute) we put at
field level causes Class has two properties of the same name exception.
This is because JAXB tries to get data using both fields and getter/setter pairs.
We can solve this problem by placing annotation at public getter/setter level using default PUBLIC_MEMBER accessor type.
The other way is to place annotations at field level by specifying FIELD accessor type.
The below example uses FIELD accessor type for simplicity.
public static void main (String [] args) throws JAXBException {
Student6 student = new Student6("Sriram", "Kasireddi", 2, "Painting", new Date());
* Create JAXB Context from the classes to be serialized
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Student6.class);
Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, Boolean.TRUE);
m.marshal(student, System.out);