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 No SQL > Mongo DB

 MongoDB Startup and Usage

   How to start MongoDB 
   How to use Mongo Shell 
   How to import database collection from CSV or JSON 
   How to export database collection to CSV or JSON 
   How to export database collection to CSV or JSON file 

 MongoDB Example

   How to list all databases in Mongo Server 
   How to add Users to MongoDB 
   How to get all users in Mongo Database 
   How to Authenticate User 
   How to remove Users from MongoDB 
   How to insert a Document in Mongo Database 
   How to insert a Document in Mongo Database2 
   How to insert a Document in Mongo Database3 
   How to Update Document 
   How to Save or Update Document 
   How to insert Nested Documents using BasicDBObject 
   How to insert Nested Documents using BasicDBObjectBuilder 
   How to insert Nested Documents using Map 
   How to insert Nested Documents using JSON String 
   How to get Collection Document count 
   How to check whether a Collection exists 
   How to print MongoDB Collection statistics 
   How to create index on Collection 
   How to drop index on Collection 
   How to get first document from Collection 
   How to get all Collection names from Mongo Database 
   How to get distinct values for a given key 
   How to query a Collection 
   How to query a Collection using QueryBuilder 
   How to limit Query results 
   How to use Like Query 
   How to use Query In Clause 
   How to remove a Document from Mongo Database 
   How to remove multiple Documents from Mongo Database 
   How to remove all Documents in a Collection 
   How to rename a Collection 
   How to drop a Collection 
   How to drop a Mongo Database 
   How to execute Map and Reduce Algorithm 
   How to execute Map and Reduce Algorithm with Finalizer 

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